Centro Cultural de Macau

Concerto do Ano Novo entre Zhuhai e Macau

Organização:Grupo Muscial Cheong Hong de Macau
28.12.2022    Qua. 20:00 Grande Auditório
100 minutos
Entrada Livre com Bilhetes
Evento Concluído

Informções | +853 2858 1150

Macao Cheong Hong Chinese Orchestra is hosting a “Zhuhai and Macao New Year Concert” at Grand Auditorium of the Macao Cultural Centre on 28th December of 2022 for the promotion of the popularity of traditional Chinese music. By Cheong Hong’s invitation, The Zhuhai Lovers Road Music Club and Hubei Dizi Band are joining the performance. The songs for the concert include: “Lapping waves of the Lake Honghu, “New Song of Herdsman”, “Bow Dance”, “Blooming flowers under the full moon” and “Flying Dragon and Jumping Tiger”, Lovers of Chinese music don’t miss this event.

Para reservar bilhetes, queira contactar o Centro Artistico de Grupo Musical Cheong Hong de Macau pelo telefone no. (853) 2858 1150.