A Blizzard of Joyfulness
The Cultural Affairs Bureau presents Slava’s Snowshow, a tale without words created by the most celebrated living clown in the world. The storm of joyful innocence is forecast to hit CCM’s Grand Auditorium with four shows, running from 6 to 8 September.
This freezing circus voyage takes the families into a whimsical fantasy world created by Slava Polunin, the founder of The Academy of Fools. Unveiling a visual blend of poetry, tragicomedy and physical theatre, the show features an intense confetti storm, a gigantic spider web and colorful balls bouncing through the audience.
Snowshow is described to have grown from the same essence of dreams and fairy tales, bringing a series of vignettes to life. Slava appeals to children’s imagination, taking grownups back to the thrills of childhood, in a quiet spiral of silliness and human emotions. Praised all over the world by patrons and critics alike, since 1993 his Snowshow company has performed over and over again in dozens of countries for all kinds of audiences, reaping more than 20 international prizes, including an Olivier for Best Entertainment.
Slava had reinvented traditional clowning. Shifting this humorous, entertaining genre from its natural circus and carnival habitat into new artistic territories and venues, the inventive artist takes inspiration from Marcel Marceau’s refined pantomime and the comic, humanistic poignancy of Charlie Chaplin.
The Snowshow opens on 6 September (Friday) at CCM and tickets will be on sale at various prices and discounts from 21 July (Sunday), at the Macao Ticketing Network, as well as the Damai and Maoyan platforms. To expand further the performing arts’s reach, an Enjoy More scheme is offered. Patrons can enjoy a 30% discount code for Snowshow with any purchase of the Musical Annie and with every 3 ticket purchase for Snowshow, an MOP 100 coupon will be granted for the Musical Annie through Macao Ticketing Network.
For further information and promotional offers, please visit www.icm.gov.mo and www.ccm.gov.mo. For enquiries contact +853 2840 0555.